Monday, November 5, 2012

November Currently

I have just enough time to link up with Farley before I pass out. These last few weeks have been exhausting. I am super excited about an app I just downloaded to help me create my November Currently on my iPad. Thanks Heather!!! The app is called skitch and it is free and easy to use.

My boys are completely addicted to this game. Watching them play makes me feel really dumb because I can't keep up with what they are doing. I have to wonder if my mother felt like that watching me play Donkey Kong or Super Mario Brothers on the old Nintendo 64. (I won't give away my age by saying that I had an Atari before that.)

I just love the cool weather we are finally having even though we will probably be wearing shorts on Thanksgiving.

Mistletoe Market is all about Christmas products. I think I may take off Friday to go with my bestie. I love shopping. While we are in Jackson, maybe I can look for new shoes.

I love listening to all kinds of music. I have a playlist for each unit in our reading series. I also have a folder of YouTube brain break videos to watch. My favorite one is just called brain music and it really calms my kiddos down. I like to listen to the grammar songs on I also love Pandora.

That is as long as I can hold my eyelids open for now. Don't forget to follow the rule of three if you link up.



  1. Very cute blog design! Is the clip art of children from thistlegirldesigns by any chance? I will look around more, I am sure you have some great content and links!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm sorry to delete that last comment. I just totally goofed in the grammar area. What I meant to say was: Mistletoe Marketplace sounds like a great place to visit! What types of Christmas decor do they have? I would take the day off too. I hope you find some new shoes.
    The Hive

  4. Hi Jennifer!
    I am interested in your comment about the iPad app for blogging! I definitely want to check that out! Would LOVE to hear more tips on blogging from your iPad. I use my iPad to read and check my blog out but haven't trusted myself yet with editing, drafting from it. Would love you to post something about that!
    It was great to meet you through the November Currently!

    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  5. We are so happy to have stumbled upon another second grade blog! We're your newest follwers! We would also love to hear more about how you use Pandora in your classroom!
