Only 3 days left!!!! Tomorrow is a full day, Friday the kids leave at 11:30 and then we have our faculty luncheon, & Monday we check-out and leave!!!!!! I have been super busy this week. I haven't had any kids, but I have been trying to get rti binders settled at the elementary and middle school, move intervention things to their new room, and get 2nd grade things from their old room and into mine. At least I don't have to move to a new room. I took some before pictures today. I hope to finish my room next week so that I can have a full week off to relax before summer school begins. Hopefully I will get enough done to not have to do anything during July.
The red shelf will be my library. I am thinking of painting the yellow walls a light grey.
I painted this wall red last year. (And yes, that is chicken wire on the wall for a bulletin board. It is going to be so stinkin cute!) These nice computers will be going to the intervention lab. :( |
My teacher area. |
Future home of my Promethean Board. :) |
Another view of front. |
My first thing to get ready for next year! (I couldn't find my scissors to cut the border, they will show up tomorrow hopefully.) I am really excited about doing the Daily 5 and CAFE next year! |
I took all of these pictures with my phone. I will take the after pictures next week with my camera. I am so excited about getting my room ready. This is one of my favorite parts of teaching. I love for everything to be all clean and straight (for a few days anyway).
Did I mention that this is the smallest classroom I have ever taught in? I am having trouble finding a way to fit in a meeting area, library, and 24+ desks. I really wanted a loft, but it is not going to happen in this room.