This is officially my first post on this blog and I will just tell you I have no idea what I am doing. Although I am new to blogging, I am not new to teaching. This is my 15th year of teaching in Mississippi. I taught Kindergarten for 1 year, 1st grade for 3 years, and 2nd grade for 7 years. I have been the interventionist for grades K-8 for the past three years. Along with interventionist, I also serve as the elelmentary TST Chairperson and Test Coordinator. I run back and forth between the elementary and middle school (Make you go CRAZY). Next year I will be going back to 2nd grade. (HOORAY!) I am really excited about going back to the classroom. I have learned a lot in the last three years that I believe will have a posititve impact on my teaching.
I have been blog stalking for the last month gathering ideas for next year. I am looking for anything related to Common Core, Reading Streets, and Envision Math. Our theme next year is Rock and Roll, so I have really been stalking Babbling Abby at The Inspired Apple. I have also been stalking Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff. I am sure there will be lots of stalking going on at my computer between now and next August.
Did I mention I am super excited about going back to 2nd grade????? I am also excited about this blog!