Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Sale

One last post this year to say Welcome Winter. Sorry about 2 posts in 1 day.

I'm linking up with Debbie in Fabulously First.




Merry Christmas

Sorry I haven't updated my elf photos or my blog. I have the shingles. Hopefully I will back to blogging in January. I hope every one has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! I plan on enjoying my family and celebrating Jesus' birthday for the rest of the year.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who Has the Bow!

What a week!!! The kids are getting CRAZY!!! My teaching partner, Flo and I are always joking with each other about not coming up with anything original because of Pinterest. Today she came up with an original game. She calls it Ho Ho Ho! Who Has the Bow! We played it just like Doggy, Doggy, Who Has the Bone. Instead of a bone, we used a bow. The kids loved it. Another thing she and I have done this week is go into each others room to check and see if the kids were behaving. If she came in my room and mine were behaving, she stuck a bow on the top of our whiteboard and I did the same for her class. We were competing to see who could get the most bows. Her class won. I have to be up early to go work at Breakfast with Santa in he morning. Our class is in charge of the reindeer toss.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Currently

It's time to link up with Farley for the December currently.

So there you have it. I am going to get up and get ready now. I love church anytime, but I especially love it this time of year.
I went shopping yesterday and there was a a homeless family at the stop sign. A dad, mom, and 2 precious girls. I have never seen an entire family like that before. It broke my heart and made me stop to think about what Christmas is all about. I am going to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and giving to others this year. I don't have a lot to give but I can give what I have. I would really like to take my kids to volunteer somewhere this year. We have never done that before, and my kids could really use the experience.

Now go link up with Farley or check out the other Currentlys (is that how you spell that) linked up wit her.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Teacher's Gonna Snap Elf Linky

I am excited to be linking up with Mrs. Nelson for Teacher's Gonna Snap: Elf Edition

My kids have enjoyed having Jingle, our elf, in our room this week. I blogged about him coming to our room here. I am going to let you take a peek at the pictures we have of him so far. I will continue to add more pictures to this blog post between now and Christmas. Be sure to check back for more ideas. I look forward to linking up and sharing ideas with everyone else.

Week 1

On Monday morning, we came in to find Jingle in our Christmas tree. He had also left each student Elf Kisses on their desks.

The room was buzzing when the kiddos starting arriving. There was talk of don't touch him or he will freeze and shhh be quiet or we will be on Santa's naughty list.


Tuesday morning, we arrived to find that Jingle had moved to our word wall. He had it all messed up a little. He didn't want the teacher to spend much time straightening it out.


This morning (Wednesday) we came in to find that Jingle must have a sweet tooth. He was in our candy and from the looks of the wrappers on the floor, he enjoyed quite a bit.

"Oh no, that means we can't have candy all day!" the children were saying. I said, "I guess we will just have to eat the suckers." (because I am a super nice teacher like that)

GASP. The principal came in at snack time like he usually does. He has the same sweet tooth as Jingle. He picked up our candy bucket and the kids went crazy. I they gave a sigh of relief when I they were sure he wasn't going to touch Jingle.

Remember to check back for updates and more pictures of Jingle.

Thursday Jingle wrapped our Christmas tree with toilet paper. The kids thought this was hillarious.

On Friday, Jingle was reading a book to Spike. My kids wanted me to read the book, but wouldn't let me move because they were afraid I would touch Jingle. I am going to read it Monday. Notice the book is "How Santa Got His Elves".

Week two:

Jingle had a good time in the bandaids over the weekend.

On Wednesday morning, Jingle had climbed to the top of the supply cabinet to get better look.

Thursday morning, we found Jingle in our Golden Sneaker. He is looking for someone to give the Golden Sneaker to on Friday. This is part of our school-wide PBIS plan. Every Friday each teacher in K-2 has to pick a student to win the Golden Sneaker. This is just a cheap shoe that has been spray painted gold and screwed to a plaque. A bag of candy and goodies is inserted in the shoe. The kids get their picture taken and posted on the school's webite and facebook page. They get to take the Golden Sneaker home over the weekend to show their family. I don't really like having to pick just one kid each week. It takes a long time for every child to get it and some of the best kids get it last because I usually pick the worst talkative kids if they have had a really good week.

I just finished making a batch of divinity for my son to take to his Beta Club Christmas party tomorrow night. I am thinking that Friday Jingle may bring us some "snow candy" while we are at lunch. He will be missing Friday morning and show up after lunch with a note about being delayed because he was trying to gather enough snow and reindeer food (pecans) to make the candy. I have a no-fail recipe for divinity if anyone is interested. I have never made a bad batch in 14 years with this recipe, and I have even made it while it is raining.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Reading Street Resources Website and a sale

I have been using this website all year. I don't know why I haven't thought to share it with you before. If you use Scott Foresman Reading Street be sure to check it out! It is for the 2008 series. I have the 2011 series, but most of the resources can still be used. Just click the picture below to visit the webite.

I also wanted to let you know that my TPT store will be on sale through midnight tomorrow. Don't forget to use the code to get an additional 10% off.

I have to go now. I am off to a painting party with some of the greatest teachers ever. We have a parent who owns one of those painting places and she wanted to do something for the teachers. So tonight we are going to paint and eat. I just made divinity to take. I am excited and I am also sure no one will know what my painting is of when I am finished.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

There's an elf in my room

I ordered this elf from Amazon. He came in yesterday morning and I took him straight to my room and put him in our Christmas tree. I brought this Magic Elf package on TpT. Each day this Magic Elf will move to a different spot in our classroom. He will leave notes about the true meaning of Christmas encouraging my students to treat each other with love and kindness.

My students will find this on their desks when they come in Monday morning. I can't wait!

I found this printable on Pinterest. The Magic Elf package I bought on TpT includes notes to leave on students desk that says something like 'caught you being a magic elf'. I plan on leaving that note along with an "elf kiss" when I see someone being kind to a classmate.

I hope that this Magic Elf will keep the behavior in my class on the positive side during the month of December.

I love Christmas. I love the colors, the smells, and the joy of sharing it with my 2nd graders. I can't wait to do all kinds of activities with them and share them with you.

I also ordered this elf ornament for Magic Elf to leave for my kids to make.

What are your plans for December? I would love to hear your ideas. I love to read comments.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Great Giveaway

I am enjoying my week off for Thanksgiving. I worked in my room today getting ready for Christmas. I have some great things to post about tomorrow. I am going to take pictures in the morning. I just wanted to stop by and share this great giveaway with all of you. (Sorry for the 2 posts in one day. I am making up for lost time while I am off.) Click on the image below to check it out.


One Thankful Turkey Here

I am one thankful turkey!!! I have so much to be thankful for.

First and foremost I am thankful for my savior Jesus Christ. I am a sinner saved by grace through faith.

I am thankful for my family. I have the two best parents in the world. I am also married to my best friend. We have two great sons who are like day and night. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for letting me be their mother.

My mom and dad!!!! They have shown me what it means to love each other. My dad is my world and I couldn't make it without my mom. They are always there for me no matter what!!!!!!
My husband, me, and my boys!!!! I love spending time with these guys. They make me happy!!!
This is an old photo and my boys are surely bigger now, but it is my favorite picture. This was taken on a very special vacation, that happened to be the last one my Mamaw got to go on with us before she passed away. I loved it when my kids were this age. I wouldn't take a million dollars for all of the memories we made.
My three boys! This picture sums up my boys! They love to hunt and spend time outdoors together.
I am thankful for all of the troops who have served to protect us and our freedom. I am so thankful to live in a country with the freedom to worship however I choose.

Lastly, I am thankful to have the best job in the world. I love teaching my second graders. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't look around my room and think to myself, "why would anyone want to do anything other than this!" I love each and every one of my students. I also love my teaching partners. We have the best relationship and they are all so easy going and easy to work with. I also have a great prinicpal. I love to get up and go to work every day.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy time well spent with your family and friends!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reading Street Resources

We had another busy week.  These weeks just keep flying by faster and faster.  I don't know where the time is going.  I am loving every day though.  I LOVE teaching 2nd grade!!!!  I can't imagine doing anything else.  I just stopped by to introduce a couple of items I added to my TPT store tonight.  I created a resource pack  last week to go with our Reading Street story,  Pearl and Wagner.  Today I made an even bigger resource pack to use this week with Dear Juno.  You can check them out in  my store. 

My Pearl and Wagner pack includes four skills practice pages to review phonics, vocabulary, and grammar.  You can grab it here.  I used the first practice as a pre test and the other practices to review with students who didn't do well on the pretest.  I also sent one home for homework the night before our test.
My Dear Juno pack includes 4 skills practice pages for phonics, vocabulary, and grammar.  It also includes a Long O word sort and a scoot game for verbs with singular and plural nouns.  You can grab it here
I will give both of these away to the first 3 people who comment.  I love to read comments!!!!